Congratulations on your purchase of a Color Me A Season seasonal color fan! Your color fan has been carefully designed for your season after extensive testing and over 50 years of experience in the industry. With your new seasonal color fan, you can begin to transform your wardrobe, cosmetic selections, home decor, and personal design choices to complement your own unique look and preferences. The information below will help you learn how to use your color fan to help you look and feel beautiful and confident in any situation. Be sure to talk with your professional Seasonal Color Consultant if you have any questions!
What is seasonal color, and how do I know which season I am?
Seasonal Color Analysis is a system developed over 70 years ago by beauty professionals in the United States who started to discover patterns in body and skin coloration of their clients, noting that some colors looked beautiful on some clients, and yet were unimpressive on others. Relying on a cosmetics company or fashion designer to determine which colors to use resulted in wildly different outcomes. In order to help their clients make better choices about the colors they chose, they developed a system which divided people into four general categories of skin coloration, and assigned each of these categories the name of a season.
Determining which category you belong to, which season you are, requires analyzing many factors: your skin tone, a deep skin tone, hair color, eye color, and more. It may also involve analyzing personality traits, eye patterns, personal beauty goals, and more. Often it requires trial and error with color drapes, chinboard cards, or other tools so that you and your analyst can compare and contrast the different options. Beauty professionals who have been trained to look for these traits, analyze the information, and guide you toward better color choices are known as Seasonal Color Analysts.
Because everyone is different, there is no quick and easy way to determine your season. One can make an educated guess, and others may try to suggest to you, based off your appearance, which season you are with just a simple glance. Don’t be fooled though, nothing replaces the careful and trained eye of a professional Seasonal Color Analyst and a thorough seasonal color analysis.
Once you’ve consulted with your Seasonal Color Analyst and have worked together to discover your own unique seasonal color palette, they will likely provide you with or encourage you to buy a seasonal color fan to help you make the best color decisions moving forward. Using the right colors from the correct color fan will help you make the best decisions about which colors to use.
What is a Seasonal Color Fan?
A seasonal color fan is a tool you can use to help you make good decisions about which colors to select when purchasing clothing, cosmetics, home and office decor, or in any other situation where color is an option.
The Color Me A Season seasonal color fan includes 215 colors that are hand selected to work with your season. The first three pages include your season’s Bouquet Colors, a selection of colors that exemplify the look and feel of your season’s palette. The following pages include a collection of other great colors that are compatible with your season in a variety of shades and hues.
Will every color in the fan work for me?
While the seasonal color fan has a broad array of colors that will work for individuals of that season, you should also work with your Seasonal Color Analyst to identify your seasonal blend.
Very few people are purely one season, most have a secondary seasonal blend, and some even have a third. Identifying your seasonal blend will help you narrow down the best colors in your fan for your unique body chemistry and coloring.
For instance, a Winter typically looks great in cool, striking colors found in the color fan. A Winter with an Autumn blend, however, will also look great in some of the cooler Autumn colors. The fans have been designed with a color base broad enough to include each of the seasonal blends. The Winter with an Autumn blend will find great colors in the Winter fan, as will the Winter with a Spring blend, but the very best colors for each of these individuals may not necessarily overlap. Work with your Seasonal Color Analyst to identify your seasonal blend, and which of your season’s colors work best for you!