Chinboards and Drapes

We highly recommend using the Color Me A Season chinboard cards to correctly analyze your clients.  This set of 36 seasonal testing colors is easy to use and to keep organized.  See the book, "Color Me A Season" by Bernice Kentner to understand how to use them to determine season for yourself, family members and friends.  

You can obtain a personal color drape set by taking each season's color fan to your fabric store and matching the colors in the bouquet color cards and getting a piece of fabric at least 20 inches in length.  You can tailor your set to your needs, but make sure you start with at least the four reds and greens, Winter Pink, Spring Coral, White, and Black. That will give you a great start and you can build from there, using the bouquet colors as your guide.

Finding your own season will give you the peace of mind that you look great in everything you wear when you have chosen it through the use of your color fan.  It sounds too good to be true, but it is amazing the time and money you save when you know just what you are looking for and don't have to wonder about each item on the rack.

When shopping for fabric, do not buy it from an online selection.  You cannot match colors correctly by using your technology screens as a basis for looking at color tones.  It is very important to get the colors as close to exact as you can.  This will prevent confusion while color draping.